This is a new idea of mine, so please do bear with me while I build up the database so to speak. Do revisit, and do please leave comments. Thank you.

Wednesday, 22 December 2010

Magic Moment

It was a brisk but bright sunny day. I am standing outside, coffee in hand, wrapped up in my thick winter coat. William walked by, and as usual I said 'hello William' like I usually did, addressing him by name so he knew I was talking to him, and asked him was he ok. He walked up to me, stood beside me, looking up at me with puppy dog eyes, gently putting one arm around me.

'I miss those sessions we used to do last year miss, and I miss you' he said with a sad look on his face.

William has autism.

This little moment was a momentous moment. He showed me in those few words that:
  • He understood appropriate social physical interaction
  • He understood the meaning of our sessions
  • He recognised they were beneficial to him
  • He understood the importance of our teacher student relationship
Easily missed, to someone who could not see the Autistic William.

This was a truly magic moment.

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